Friday, 30 December 2011

2011 turns 2012.

Taken by iPhone 4S 

It's just a few days, I'm turning into seventeen, wth -.-  Are you ready for the coming next year ? I not ready yet :(  How I hope I'm 6 years old now, who no cares, no worry and no problems. 

List of 2012. 
-Get better results in any subject on every examination
-Save money for my trip on March 2012 and camera
-Cherish for what I have
-Be able to control my emotion


Friday, 16 December 2011


Helloooooo :D I think I'm not update my blog for almost two week ? Just wanna do a very short post for today. I feel like nobody's reading my blog anymore, omg -.- I don't know what to talk about. Ok, let's talk about myself. 

If you're a long time reader of mine, you should know I'm not working anymore. Working is not a difficult for me actually, but I just need a friends who lunch with me or even talk to me. Working place lack of talk, lack of friends, are you can work there with a longer time ? Just remember one thing, I can't ! I think somebody's criticism about me that I'm lazy or think that's a excuse ? It's okay, forgive them. They just don't know what problem I'm facing when I'm working at the working place that not suitable me. At least, I tried :) 

Are you guys starting shop for new year clothes ? Yeahh, I'm start ! :D Really excited about Chinese New Year. Had an awesome outing with the lee's sisters yesterday. Sorry for not update, because I forgot bring my camera along on that day, lol -.- Next time kay guys ? :p Now I'm gotta save money for new camera. After 10 years, my saving is hard to reach 1k I think hahahahaha ! Anyway, I'll work hard of it ! :p 

16 days more, my holiday is gonna end :O Omg, I'm not ready for going the next level (form 5) ! What should I do ? What can I do is count down :/ 

Before I end my post, I need your help to vote for my sister Alicia YeeTeng :) 

Thank you so much for your helping, byeee! <3