I'm holding my family members :)
Hello people ! Let me tell you guys something about mine. I know my life is ain't special or whatever, but I'm just tell you everything about mine and I just wanna say my feelings out. So let's start....
My life have been good due to someone came into my life and paint my life with colours. No joke, he's the best guy I've ever met in my life ;) I know sometimes I just like to put my anger on him and ditch him when I'm down. But thanks babyboy for being so understanding. I've been treating him real bad and being harsh to him, you know why? He didn't get to accompany me for a week! A FUCKING WHOLE WEEK! I know we must give them some freedom somehow, but i need people to comfort me as well D: I'm thinking what if he leave me someday? *thinking nonsense* Can I live without him? *I don't believe I'll die for him* :O Shocked? No? Ugh huh, I also don't know what I'm trying to say. But what I wanna say is, I seriously love you baby. You told me you wasn't me in the good mood , so you doesn't want to talk to me.Wtf in this anyway? Being a boyfriend aren't you suppose to be telling your girlfriend everything but not left her aside for being emo and worried about you? So do you think you're very good ditching all around? To be honest, everytime I will be saying the same thing after you get mad on me, I'm sorry & I love you baby. I know I'm some soft-hearted person, but I really loved too much. Sorry that I loved you with a wrong way :( Heart you ♥
Oh no, am I running out of topic? :P I said this of about mine, but it's all about him, him, him, him him. I don't why , I just couldn't remember a single thing what people taught us! -.- Lifeless much? Now not lifeless enough, everyday stay at home and forever online. THAT ONE ONLY LIFELESS. Cut the crap, gotta talk about my school life. Sport Day is around the corner, June is coming to an end soon. I guess almost all of my exam paper had given to us, damn sad about my result! TT
OMG, my post is full of words today. I'm afraid that you guys won't read, but just keep reading and reading. Yeah, today I'm going circus performance in Bukit Jalil Stadium :) So stay tuned for my post. Till here then, ciao!