Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Hiiii darlings! :D Gonna do a short update for today before I having my dinner :) Yea, you didn't see wrong, I'm not  having my dinner yet and I know now already so late. Or call supper? Whatever la kay. Had a day out with lovely family : Mama lee and sista yee ying yesterday. We went to IKEA. As you know, all shopping complex are having crazy sale. 

Outfit of the day : 
Top: MNG
Jeans: From Taiwan
Bag: From Taiwan

That day in IKEA like super duper crowded :/ And all the lil things are just below rm20 ! 

Like tissues, handkerchief, towel, clocks, spoon fork and so forth. All like very colourful :) We are so crazyyyy, whatever things in front of us, we just took it and capture. Hahaha ! 


Sista yee teng bought Cheki from Pavilion I think. I want to buy this long time but now my sista bought it means I don't need to buy already yay ! :D 

Good Night!

Monday, 29 August 2011

You think you can style?

Helloooo, I'm here to blog again! Miss me huh ? :P Since papa mama still don't know what the plan during my raya holiday, so just stay at home this few days :( And I have nothing to do, so just  spend some time to blog :) So good right ? *perasan* Hahaha ! Okay, back to topic! Do you think you can style ? Today I wanna share with you some outfits that I took from  . I think I can style but I don't think I can style like them :'( Every outfits got their own name :S So lets see their really AWESOME outfits :D 

 Lovely Pepa for Stradivarius: my choice? 
Ultra Slim jeans! 

 Someone Like You

I like this (Y) :D 

 Quiet Riot - giveaway

I Hate you -.- 

OMGGGGGGGG, leopard print ! * like like like

 You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one 

 Lift off 

The Romactic

If my boyfriend wear like him, I just can't control myself and shout "So handsomeeeeeee". *blush*

Thats all for today. Hope you have learn some skills to style yourself and enjoy too :) Bye! 

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Ho ho holiday!

Last post was published at last week? I have no updated my blog almost a week. I was not busy, I'm just lazy :S *KILLMEPLEASE* Didn't updated because my mind went blank, like thoroughly blank. Just wanna make a short post for today :)
 Hari Raya are starting, which means I having my holidays now! Yay! And yeah, my sis and I plan to go 1 Utama on 31 August for shopping ! Can't wait ! 

I'm not a Korean freak but recently I'm addicted to this Korean drama entitled "My girlfriend is Gumiho (nine-tailed fox)" ! I don't know how long has the drama been released. I knew it through Astro Channel Shuang Xin lately. I love watching this drama. It's a drama about a guy who fall in love with a nine-tailed fox and how their love story goes on. Shin Min Ah (The main female character). She is so pretty, especially when she smile because she has a pair of sweet dimples which every girls likes to have ! I'm catching this drama every week days ! I can't miss a single episode because I can't wait to watch the ending of this drama. TEEHEE

Thats all for today :) Ciao

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Cousin Vincent's birthday ♥

 Hellow :D Can't believe that I'm still blogging while I will be having monthly test on Monday :S Anyway, do a post won't taking long time. Just wanna share where I went yesterday :) Yea, it's cousin Vincent's birthday yesterday, so we decided made a small birthday dinner for him. Since he is soooo naughty, I can't take a good picture with him :'(

 So familiar with this restaurant? Yea, we had grandma birthday dinner here last last month? Whatever kay, the environment are so good and comfort, service and food all so good :D 

Take take take picha ! 
 cousin christine ng ♥

 sista yee ying ♥

mama lee ♥

Deliciousssssssssssssssssss !  

 His family :)

 His cousins :)

His lil sista xuan xuan. Cute huh? :D
Outfit of the day : 
Dress and bag: sister bought from Taiwan, shoes: Padini

Saturday, 13 August 2011


Taken by iPhone 4 

 Yea, I'm blogging so often since I don't have any plan for this lovely Saturday :'( But its okay, I think tomorrow will be a happy Sunday? Weeee B) I'm  gonna do a very short post for today. Since technology is very advanced now, everyone around me are using smartphone. I wanna get myself a smartphone too! :( Can I ? * dreaming * Sister yee teng just got herself an iPhone 4 white. When I'm holding her smartphone, I'm just not willing to put down. You can imagine how awesome of her smartphone! The cool applications, the font, camera and so forth. I think the iPhone camera are clean & clear than my own camera? So kua zhang? Not really guys, I'm telling you the truth ! 

I swear I'll earn a lot of money as fast as possible ! Because I wanna get myself a smartphone! :)

Good night darlings! Lovechu :*

Friday, 12 August 2011

Macao ✈

大家好!本小姐今天要带你们到澳门啦,扣好安全带准备起飞了!:D * 真是受不了我自己* 哈哈哈哈!澳门的路很小,而且那里的导游的服务很差。我永远都会记得那个肥婆导游怎样侮辱我们马来西亚人的!;( 回去正题,澳门的风景满漂亮的 :D 


澳门大三巴牌坊。看戏看得多,看过以后还真的没有什么特别 :S


Tadaaaaaaa ! 

不好意思,我忘记了这里是什么地方 :'( 我记得就在赌场附近。上面的是人造天空!超美的!

 这里是澳门莲花广场。很多人都说他们抄袭香港的 :S 




Tuesday, 9 August 2011

China ✈

我又来了!8) 我的旅游经验我都会打中文哦。今天只做一个很短的pos给中国。在这个post我们到了中国。有很多人一定觉得 “中国有好玩的地方?” 我可以告诉你们,是有的!还比你们想象中的好玩,有趣。就让我带你们去见识见识吧,走!:D 


 你们没有看错!后面的就是法国的巴黎铁塔!! 不用大老远去法国,在中国也可以看到!:) 




我不是空口写白话哦,这张就是中国深圳世界之窗入场票 :D 

Guys, be prepared for my Macao post :) 今天就到这里。睡午觉,睡午觉!掰!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Hong Kong ✈

哈咯!好像很久没update了对吧?:P 今天会抽时间来写我的部落格有一半的原因是因为宝贝Sherin从星期一就叫我快点写新的post,她很想看。她是我的部落格忠实粉丝哦 :D 爱死你了!另一半的原因呢是因为我想跟你们分享我的旅游经验。 

我想大家都很喜欢到外国旅游吧?因为我们都想逃出马来西亚!哈哈!在2008年,我和家人到外国旅游,其中一个地方就是香港啦。那时快要疯掉了,因为没有想过可以到外国旅游一个星期这么久。第一次坐飞机的感觉超爽的!就让我来到你们到香港探险一下吧 :D 因为当时memory stick出了一点问题把握所有的照片店铺洗光光了 :O 只好用一些假的照片,请别见怪。

第一个非去不可的地方 :维多利亚港。你可以坐船观看整个维多利亚港的风景。超赞的!


第三个非去不可的地方 :香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆。 你们一定也听说过里面藏有一些什么东西对吗?

就是和世界各国的明星蜡像合照!照片的只是一部份而已。真的很值得去的一个地方,当你去香港的时候,别忘记到这地方来哦 :)

第四个非去不可的地方 :海洋公园

你必须乘坐缆车道山上去。因为山下只提供给5-12岁小孩的游戏。当然如果你有弟妹,你可以选择在山下玩乐过后再到山上玩比较刺激一点的。坐缆车是有点恐怖啦,那时差点以为自己要死了 * touchwood *,以为缆车会停一下让你观看周围的风景。小时候不懂事就以为缆车坏了。我很好笑 :S 


第五个非去不可的地方 :星光大道。那里最特别的就是地上有很多明星的手印。

最后一个地方 :大屿山。我很厉害,我可以走上终点 8)

探险完毕!其实香港有很多非去不可的地方。只是我们不够时间去 :( 今天就到这里。走了